Monday, June 8, 2009

Working in Organic Garden

I have been extremely busy working in the garden its been hard finding time to create. I have to make sure the seedling get enough water till they get about 2 inches tall.

The weeds are really starting to take off. This means more and more out in the garden. Once we get into July I will be able to take a nice break and just let it do what it does, produce.

I hope everyone is having a good summer. We have had a strange one so far. It's hard to believe it's June and we've dropped in to the 40's it seems a few days are in the 70's or 80's and then suddenly it's freezing. Don't know what to wear unless I go outside. This has made for a strange crop so far.

When I was out in the garden today a robin decided to fly by and take a seat on one of my tomato cages. He was so proud sitting there with his chest out head held high and so beautiful. Boy, did he squawk at me. I often wonder if they tell each other here she comes she's going to water again. Great for worms. He was a gorgeous site.

I also wanted to update you on our eagles nest I posted awhile back. Sadly again this year the wind knocked the nest out the tree killing both baby eagles. Same thing happened last year. If it's the same parents I do hope they get it right next year and decide it's not a good place for a nest.

Until my next post have a wonderful day!
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