Monday, June 8, 2009
Working in Organic Garden
The weeds are really starting to take off. This means more and more out in the garden. Once we get into July I will be able to take a nice break and just let it do what it does, produce.
I hope everyone is having a good summer. We have had a strange one so far. It's hard to believe it's June and we've dropped in to the 40's it seems a few days are in the 70's or 80's and then suddenly it's freezing. Don't know what to wear unless I go outside. This has made for a strange crop so far.
When I was out in the garden today a robin decided to fly by and take a seat on one of my tomato cages. He was so proud sitting there with his chest out head held high and so beautiful. Boy, did he squawk at me. I often wonder if they tell each other here she comes she's going to water again. Great for worms. He was a gorgeous site.
I also wanted to update you on our eagles nest I posted awhile back. Sadly again this year the wind knocked the nest out the tree killing both baby eagles. Same thing happened last year. If it's the same parents I do hope they get it right next year and decide it's not a good place for a nest.
Until my next post have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
M&M Withdrawls!!
I am currently having an M&M withdrawal arrggg! I am actually trying to become heart healthy. My daughter says it time to start thinking about heart disease, which runs in our family. My mother passed of multiple conditions and heart disease was part of the combination. Plus, my daughter works at the Hospital so now you know. Not to mention the fact that after one of my mother's artery surgeries, the doctor proceeded to show us what he took out of her neck. This is how he put it..." this is what fast food and junk food does" it was as thick, as long as a little finger and looked just like fat. YUK!
Needless to say I can still see it like it was yesterday. Even my Mother, I miss her.
I hate exercising, but I do walk 30 minutes 4 times a week I really don't like it either ....Actually once I get there I am fine....I also am eating carrots, carrots, carrots, am I a rabbit yet? Who would have ever thought I would begin eating like that furry little friend. I WANT my M&M's OMG...HELP! You have no idea how many times I have tried to stop eating those cute little guys. I ate them when I created, watched television, I don't watch television that much it was just grabbing one at a time as I created...actually one after the other LOL.
I am giving it the good old try and feel I ready now. It feels different this time. I get it why I am doing it. It's just hard when chocolate taste so good! I am not a big junk food person. I don't eat at fast food places. Just M&M's and some chips occasionally. My two bad habits wow how dull, actually not!
So, I have been so busy creating tending to the garden and NOT eating M&M's. The weeds thing well, they are part of the garden now and are beginning to take over. Time for weeding has come. Gosh how time flies! I feel like I no sooner get up and I am back in bed again.
Till next time have a wonderful day and remember when you need to de-stress, just think of something that makes you go AW......
Friday, May 22, 2009
Babies in Garden
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Bunny Baby on Board
I wanted to give everyone a peek at Baby On Board how it's coming along. I didn't forget just a tad busy in the garden. This is only a small taste of the illustration.
There is still a ton of tweeking to do...I am working on it again tonight, of course as I watch American Idol. It will look very different when I am finished! Lots more detail to go!
Enjoy <3
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Follow Me on Twitter P.S. these are showing up light gray however you can still just click on them.
Twitter keeps you posted on what I am working on throughout my day. Whether I am in my organic garden (which is doing wonderful) or sketching and whatever crazy things are in my day.
Like the Eagle's nest in the an earlier post I mentioned the nest when everyone discovered far the two eggs have hatched but only one little survived and is doing great.
I am going to check my organic garden when I get done with this post and check another tree behind my farm that has two Eagle's flying around and landing in a tree top. This would be a new nest.
I also raise skunks...LOL well not actually...they always seem to manage to have a litter under an old shed right near the back of my home. It wouldn't be so bad I suppose but the odor is another story, not to mention last year the mother or one of them stood head to head with me in the corn. I didn't move! I just thought OMG I don't wanna get sprayed nor do I want to bathe in tomato juice. I wonder if that really works?
Coupons to Print!!
Well, yesterday I went shopping with my daughter and wow was I surprized how much she saved using coupons. My daughter and son have always been great organizers of everything. I have never seen two people shop better than their mom at a grocery store. I just don't know how they do it. You'd be surprized at what they walk out with for 50.00, it's amazing.
So I stumbled across a couple sites I find extremely helpful. Especially and I printed really good coupons with GREAT deals.
I really like it offers mommy's so much information which is always helpful when raising children. Plus, they have wonderful coupons too!
Go check them out you'll find some great information.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Bella The Bunny
Introducing Bella the Bunny
Friday, May 15, 2009
Opening -The Baby Garden
"The Baby Garden" where tons of infant clothes are growing everyday. Where you will get to pick the ones you like from new to gently used. All you pay is the shipping cost. There is NO profit being made at my end. I am hoping to offer some relief to others in need.
It will list shipping from first class, to parcel, to priority and express delivery all your choice. The item will be weighted and then cost applied to the list above.
This is my effort to help those in need around the world. It my way of paying it forward. I live a very blessed life not in material things simply in the joy of being healthy, happy, and alive.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Baby On Board
I wanted to illustrate a sign that would really catch other drivers attention to more understand how we as mother's want to protect our little ones. That we have precious cargo on board.
The final print will stick on the inside of your car window. Will not fade and will be easily removable. It will be done in colors that draw attention. The background color will also be vibrant and noticable.
I plan on working on it tonight and hopefully will post tomorrow. :0)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Working on my Book - Happy Mother's Day
No, my book is not titled Happy Mother's Day I just wanted to pop that in just in case I am too busy tomorrow.
I picked up the draft of my book again....and am finally pleased with the way I plan on finishing. It's been in the works since 2000, ( I know I know a long time) actually I have two that have been in the works.
I would have never considered writing till I meant a Judge, who aided in my son's adoption, (many many years ago) and highly suggested I write. I was told in high school but never took it seriously or gave it a thought till the Judge. Why...maybe I just wasn't ready to listen. Now I listen to everything. I suppose the fact I was never really good at punctuating was another issue. Till I decided who cares there are people out there that can do it for me. Isn't that why we are different?
I never really knew or for that considered how important words were back then. How much they impact our lives in so many ways. They make you believe your worth, self esteem and so much more. They define a huge part of our lives as they burrow in to our brain and sit there reminding us daily of who or what we are...they even determine our credibility "do our actions fit our words."
By listening closely since that day the Judge opened a different part of my brain...I found when raising my children how much they said about themselves with simple letters that formed words. Even in silence I learned they said so much more. Every movement, position, stand, eyebrow lift, eyes, arms, legs, right down to the music they listened too told me what was in store. Where they were in there life and what they were thinking. I didn't need to ask. Funny they all said " how do you know so much about me all the time" they were always amazed.
I find the same applies and works with every human that exists. So tomorrow on Mother's Day celebrate it but watch and listen to your children the people around you, you'll learn more than you ever imagined.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Children's Books New Law
When I read the article all I could think of was WHAT something else from the past that we can't expose our children too. As a mother who raised children in the 80's I can say not one book they read or touched as caused them any harm today.
I just can't help but wonder what we are doing to our children. What will happen in the next 50 years. It seems everytime we turn around they tell us something we have been exposed to is not healthy, then years later you find it out it was an untruth.
I understand the need to protect our children but wonder if we have a bit too far. I look at the generation before me who seem to be living well into there 90's, who were exposed to so many of the things they now ban. I was exposed to those books and understand that some children may have experienced a negative reaction to the same books in some form, but, isn't that a part of life? Isn't why we are all so different and can tolerate different exposures to things?
No one wants a child to become ill, I understand this very clearly. I had a handicap child. But, what are we really teaching the generations coming up? Touch nothing till it's be scientific evalutated. Put all of our children in bubbles!
There are so many Baby Boomers that are now hitting retirement age and quite frankly if all those books were so bad for them, why are there so many Baby Boomers alive who will be soaking up Social Security?
When I look back and realize how simple life was and were we have gotten too, I am saddened. It seems everytime we turn around there is a new law for something. I personally do not feel I should have to buckle my seatbelt in my own vehicle. I feel very strongly about seatbelts, it's my choice as to whether I want to fly out the window in an accident or stay buckled. It's simply my choice. Do I believe children should be buckled yes, without a doubt. So don't get me wrong.
However, I am beginning to feel like our choices or at least my own in America are being taken away little by little and ya know what I say...lets as public officials start focusing on more important issues. Starving, homeless, and poor people in this Country. I am livid that where I live they are using 7 million dollars to restore Perry's Monument. What about all those people lossing homes and jobs! Those millions could do wonders to change many people's lives.
As for children's books does that mean we now shouldn't let our children go to the library where there are thousands of old books? Children are meant to live life not be sheltered. We can't protect everyone even though as parents we want to protect are children from the world. We have to ask ourselves can we really?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Last Years Garden
I couldn't resist posting last years garden. The middle light green was my paris romaine lettuce. Boy did I have great salads all summer.
The row behind the lettuce was mustard spinach. I gave so much away to local people I had gotten to know.
Then behind the spinach was tons of green beans. I spent the latter part of the summer freezing veggies for the winter. I can't begin to tell you the difference in taste.
It was well worth it all even the sore legs.
Gardening has begun
I managed to get in many rows before the rain today which was great for the new seeds. After mother's day the rest will be planted.
Here is what's in so far...Arugula (lettuce with a pepper taste), red romaine lettuce, cauliflower, green beans ( which I plant every two weeks all season long), and french radishes.
After Mother's Day I will plant the rest...carrots, tomatoes, watermelon, corn, cucumbers, and a brand of strawberries that grow all season long. Oh, and spinach.
Then the weeding begins a week later and the sore thighs until I get use to the daily care of the garden as the season moves on.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
New Card Illustration
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Opps there it goes....
It's not too awfully large but heavier then what I imagined. It so funny I have these incredibily strong legs but my upper body NOT. I have done leg wrestling and won many times but ask me to hold myself with my arms and I laugh. I told a friend the other day if I had to hang from my apartment window it would have to be by my feet. LOL so far I haven't had to do so YEAH!
Well, in the process of moving my AC I pulled a butt muscle LOL yes a butt muscle! It was truly painful to lay or sit. I am doing better today I have graduated from sitting on a pillow to just the chair. I have also graduated from crawling on all fours to get anywhere in my apartment. Now I know how a mouse feels.
I am back illustrating so more is on the way. I can't begin to tell you the pleasure it brings me to illustrate. It's truly my own personal passion. To so many who have found enjoyment in my creations. Thank you
Blessings to all.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Happy Mothers Day - Card
I skipped ahead and worked on a mother's day card the last day and a half. I realized it's not far off. Gosh, how time seems to fly.
The card was inspired by a childhood memory I have when I use to give my mother flowers that grew on our farm land. I am really please at the way it turned out.
Sadly, I won't be able to give one to my own mother who passed in 2005 on Valentines Day. I had the pleasure and opportunity to spend much time with her before she passed. I admired the courage she had in battling heart disease and emphysema. Not one complaint the whole time other than this statement " this is what they call the golden years" and then she would laugh.
As a child she had scarlet fever which cause damage to her main valve of her heart. In 1995 after retiring from a factory of 35 years as a meat cutter, she had open heart surgery to correct the valve. She made it through the surgery, but, within a two week stay she had two lung surgeries due to complications. I sat with her everyday till one day in Dec. 95 they took me and my sister out in the hall and told us to take her home, spend as much time as we could. I remember looking up at he doctor and saying are you saying what I think you are? He said yes, she didn't have much longer to live. Well, as I said earlier she passed in 2005, ten years after they told us she would pass soon. What a fighter at 80 lbs we took her home and day after day she just kept moving forward. The heart specialist said she was a fighter and a miracle.
I remember when I was growing up, especially as a teenager and into my twenties and so.... I didn't like her much blamed her for the way I turned out. I never told her which I am glad, but just as most children we complain about our childhood a lot. I remember one day after I married had two children and wasn't getting along with my husband. I went to my mother and began to talk about the situation here is what she said, You made your bed you ly in it, go home and fix your problem." I was so angry, I thought she was suppose to be there for me, listen and offer comfort. Boy, was I so wrong.
I have had some tough times over the years and there isn't a day that goes by I don't thank her. She taught me how to survive, to stand on my own two feet and that's a beautiful gift. She taught me how to keep standing no matter what life tossed my way. I smile everytime I think about her what a courag woman.
So in the end she ended up in the hospital Feb. 2005 she had, had a stroke one morning. I am a night person and in the course of the week as she laid in the hospital, I spent everynight with her holding her hand while playing glen miller music on a cd player (I have kept) till she passed the morning of Feb. 14, 2005 while my sister was there. She took the day shift. My sister called and said her blood pressure was dropping, I tried to get there but she passed just minutes before I arrived. We stayed in her room till they came and got her. Even in death she was beautiful.
I miss my mom and think about her a lot. She loved to laugh too. If I had one wish I would want to spend one more day sitting in her living room for a simple visit. I would love to hear her voice, see her face, and touch her one more time. Keeping laughing in heaven mom, I smile when I think of you both...I love you, always, always.
P.S. I cut a lock of her hair that week and keep in a very special place.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Contest to own first run of Illustration
The contest is for the first print off of the completed illustration and a card w/ matching envelope all signed by me with free shipping, it's very easy to enter. All you have to do is name the illustration through comment section of the blog. The name I choose to post in the listing will also support the name of the person and there etsy shop in the listing, giving you credit for the title. That's all you have to do. Have fun and good luck! Raine.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
OMG is all I can say....
Okay, so here's what I think about certain topics and mind you it's only what I think.
Exercising- term used for those who want to live long enough to either
a. live in a nursing home
b. continued to be bugged by there children gaining wisdom you already know. Get me off the roller coaster.
c. watching there ex-husband pass to only give his life insurance to his current wife -oh, why didn't he die when I was married to him...LOL
d. having your children call you all the time to give them advice on raising children you already raised. It's a vicious cycle and a huge joke played on the aging.
American Idol
What is really wrong with Simon Cowell?
a. he's really a clothing designer posing as a vocal expert
b. he's a vocal expert posing as a nerd
c. or he's a nerd with no clothing experience
d. he's really never had sex but kissed Susan Boyle (she really does support a beautiful voice)
Who should really win American Idol
a. me
b. you
c. refer to a or b
Why do I separate my trash for recycling drive all the way to the 6 separate containers to drop them off, when the trash really goes to the local landfill!! My son BF owns a sanitation company.
Yes, I found out today my efforts to separate my trash is a waste of my time. Another untruth in this I surprised No LOL... Oh, but they do take the cans to the local scrap metal for dollars. Yeah!
Another few untruths...
a. commercials for getting fuller longer lashes using mascara are really false eyelashes on the model.
b. every commercial has little tiny print you can't read but can see at the bottom..that means its a ripe off there is going to be hidden fees.
c. buy one get one free really means I am not selling anything I need business
d. Clearance really means this is stuff no one really wants
e. every commercial on tv is really a business buying air time to get you to purchase there products even though most of there products don't work.
Gosh this is getting depressing...LOL lets move on!
Monday, April 20, 2009
My other Etsy site...
Email from my page at bottom!
I love finding and learning new things!
Posting of
Its a site that offers the same thing. You do what you do and make dollars at the same time. I find both site very interesting and rewarding. In this economy today any avenue is better than not going anywhere.
Posting of
You get paid for any advice you offer by the minute. What a great way to make extra dollars and add exposure to your Etsy shop. Go for it plus as I said you will make dollars.
Here is an idea give knitting advice, food making advice, jewerly making tips. The list can go on and on.....
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dandelions and more........
I also have on my farm two sour cherry trees which the birds just love plus, two types of concord grapes that grow along the fences around the house. The purple concords I make jellies and concord grape juice. The white are used in wines.
It's around July when I really get busy canning. I also have a huge mulberry tree. I pick the mulberries wash them and eat them like m&m's.
Signs of Spring are here
Second Reader Sketch Done
Friday, April 17, 2009
Just joined Twitter follow my day!
So don't foget to follow me twittering away! I am not sure how you follow me but it's raineedaydesign on twitter.
Just Posted Sophie the Elephant
I am so excited about my new illustrated cards with Benson the Bunny and Sophie the Elephant, Benson's friend. I simply sat down one night and the image of Sophie just came into my mind. I pictured her very feminine with her polka dot bow she supports on her head.
I was really thrilled at how Sophie turned out. As a bias creative mom to sophie I love her!
Belle and Boo I love the Illustrations
You must drop by her shop and see her new illustration she class On the Farm. I hope I got the title correct. My apologizes if I got it wrong. I suppose I should double check to make sure. As I get older and my days of sketching get more involved I find I retain less and less.
I keep a journal everyday so I am reminded of all the things I did in my day. Life keeps us so busy we often forget from moment to moment. I write it down as it's a huge part of who I am.
Thank you Mandy for all the lovely work! Check her work at
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Here is One more Etsy store I found interesting!
Check out Storybymia another favorite
Searching Etsy what I found interesting
Benson the Bunny has arrived!
Monday, April 13, 2009
What's up for Spring!
Introducing a new line of cards for spring with a new little character named Benson. He will be appearing on many cards and pdf stationary files. Benson will make his debut in my shop this week. In fact, he is currently in the works coming to life with spring colors.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Disobeying by Joy Berry Child's Book
So I found this little book in my children's memory box. They each have a rubber mate tub with there names and all the items special to me and them. I pulled this out for one brag about how well this book did at teaching my children rules of obeying. My daughter refers to it every once in awhile as we stroll down memory lane.
There are tons of others that she has by Joy Berry like...Being Bullied, Being Bossy, Being Messy, Being Rude, Throwing Tantrums, and so many more....she loved them all!
Bald Eagle Baby Nest 3 eggs near my yard
I stood there looking out my window thinking what the h*** is going on! Then I found myself looking up only to ask myself what the h*** is everyone doing? Had I been in the story chicken little I would have thought the sky was falling. I couldn't find anything, of course, I had no idea what I was really suppose to be searching for as I pushed my nose further into the glass. Like I was really going to magically go through it and see my whole surrounds. I did leave two things, a nose impression on the window with a red spot on my nose. I just walked away shaking my head and thinking okay whatever. I wonder if I had went outside totally naked if anyone would have noticed ....NOT! LoL ... NOT that I wouldn't of as I am a spontanous, laughing, spur of the moment lets do something bizarre person. Hey, we only live once!
Besides raising children has left me a total screwball and finally somewhat free! I remember when I use to hide in the bathroom just to eat a hersheys bar alone and sip on a diet pepsi, an ironic combination. Lets eat sugar and rinse it down with artifical sugar. LoL
So My daughter pops by and lets me know what all the commotion was....the bald eagle nest. Now I'm compelled to climbing the tree and getting a close up view. I think NOT my daughter very directly stated. I don't think you would come down alive. The neighbor is keeping tabs with there telescope and me well if you hear all over the media..."Woman climbs tree is malled by an eagle or hung from a branch for hours till someone noticed her instead of the nest" You will know it's me!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Latest Sketch
A Hiliarous Short Story!!
Our government has done it again....My son recieved a letter Friday afternoon in the mail from a local government agency wanted to know the were his son works and what his monthly income produces and to submit the information. LOL as I sit and recall.
Nicely my son calls the number on the document, proceeds to ask for the person who is listed. When she picks up he tells her who he is and then ask this question?
Could you please explain to me where a 5 year old would work? The woman reponded with excuse me sir. My son responded, " You sent me a letter asking me to verify my son's income by submitting the information. My son was born in 2003 and of course you should know this as it's in your system. The woman responds with...well sir it's company policy we need the document. Again my son replies " he's only 5 he has no income, he's a child.
So, the woman says one more's company policy we need the document of his income. Finally my son says, mam are you looking at your computer? Yes, she replies...He says well then pull up our account. She does she finds my grandson's age and still says we need the document. LOL OMG! How did it end!
My son copied my grandsons' birth certificate attached a letter that read....Maybe my 5 year old should have your job, he can read and we could use the money. It seems he would do a better job. Are you aware of the legal working age? Keep up the good work!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Computer Crash!!
Due to the fact that Windows doesn't support Vista anymore they can't guarentee any of the windows updates aren't corrupted. How hectic is was around here. Hours of searching for the program to fix the problem lead to a full system recovery. Yiks! This lead to loosing some recent work that hadn't been backed yet.
Oh, how one must love computer's! Actually I am pretty educated however even though I knew what the problem was it didn't help. Windows had crashed. So, here is where we are...
Back on line and still working out some minor details. So the art process will hold for a short period. But, it's okay relaxing is always a welcome.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Next Sketch in the making Kite Flying
Took time out to Watch Australia and fell in love with Huge Jackman! Watched Twilight too!
It has everything for couples to watch together. I have watched it a couple times. Now I want to move to Australia lol!
Hugh Jackman pours water over himself with no shirt on a must see gals! It truly is a wonderful movie.
I also took time out to watch "Twilight" I also love vampire movies. I have a girlfriend who's daughter writes these kind of stories and has had 5 published. Now Harlequin Romance novels wants her. Her first novel she signed for me. Yeah! Anyway I will take a peek at the book and give you all the information. It's a wonderful line of books.
Pam has a sister in law who writes books for the deaf. She's been deaf since her childhood after a fever. You can find her on Amazon by typing in Darlene Toole, they live in Portland, Oregon.
Back to "Twilight" another exceptional movie although my daughter read the books and liked them much better. She said they should have done more with the movie. Anyway I look forward to the next one I believe is 'Moonlight."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Finally I am able to Post!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Another Day another M&M
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Perls of my Daughter
I just received a text and then a call...she heard a vibrating noise and texted me confused she couldn't find it.
She's running around the room swating at the air thinking there has to be a fly in the area. LOL
I ask her if she saw a fly....No she replied. Oh help me here! After approx. 5 minutes of chasing the air...
She figures out it was her cell phone on vibrate. How old is she 22 and she makes her hubby crazy.
Bless her heart she keeps me laughing and that's great for the soul.
Uploaded her again todays sketch
In the Forum on Etsy
Like the other day my daughter called me at 4 am EST time and said, Mom I am scared I am in the closet. I said WHAT! She said there is a tornado coming. Now I live in Ohio and at the time the winds were about 60 miles an hour, my lights went off and on but there were no warnings of a tornado. She said her hubby called and told her to get into the closet. Well, the closet I found out had a special feature once you shut the door you couldn't get out. She was warned of this by the owners. She was so scared and I couldn't stop laughing...bless her heart. So she's in the closet for about 1/2 hour and to top it off she had her dog with her...he's not small at all. Abe is a hunting dog. These are things that go on in my life. Needless to say she laughed all day the next day as I did.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Off to Create A New Design!
Learning blogging Extras
Be sure though to visit my shop to purchase at
this is where you'll find all of my work.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
M&M's are addicting!
So,I don't know how many of you live alone but when you do you'll find yourself talking to just about anything or anyone who will listen. For the first time I found myself answering my own question I stopped dead in my tracks. LOL and said what the heck. I need to get a dog or something. Artist seem to be loners and so busy creating we forget to get out. So I do a lot of laughing at myself.
My last idiotic episode... standing outside in the snow shoveling my huge driveway wondering, where was my knight in a shinney truck with a shovel attached. So two go by and just watch me Hmmm am I that entertaining? I wave yelled hello, thank you and goodbye. Then all of the sudden an ODOT those guys who plow and the roads drove by... I got right out in the street and yelled NO I just shoveled that! Course he pulled up the shovel waved and went on about his business. Then I got stuck in a 3 foot drift against my mailbox trying to shovel it out as the truck across the street sat with it's headlights brightly shinning on me. I thought oh great I can see it now woman frozen to post on mailbox trying to mail herself NOT!
P.S. M&Ms are wonderful and so are these sites where you can find me at -lots of my items for purchasing.
Busy creating away!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The names will be listed in the order purchases are made. The angel will be signed by Raine and dated on the bottom. She will stand 6 inches tall. The number picked will be posted Feb. 23 on my blog and shop along with the name of the winner. Plus, included you will recieve a print from my Childhood Memories collection signed and date.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Opening New Etsy Store
I have a picture of one that is in the making and will load it today to give you an idea of my angels. I hope you enjoy them too!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Latest News for Rainee Day Designs
My Love of Knitting
I have been knitting since I can remember as a child my mother taught me to crochet and my aunt to knit. I am not a huge fan of crocheting and like the professional look of knitting. I have used metal needles over the years and was so happy when they came out with bamboo needles. I just love the control you get from the bamboo and would recommend them to anyone who loves to knit or is a beginner. If you get the chance try knitting it is so relaxing and in this horrific challenge we are experiencing with the enconomy this is a great way to relax and destress. Here is a little secret about the chair in the's where I sit most of the time and sketch my illustrations. It is SO comfortable.
Beginning to blog Wow this is new for me!
I know right now it's a bad time in our enconomy that brings a lot of hardships with finances, our significant other and people in general. In a crisis I can say this for sure, you will truly find out what the people around you whether family, friends, or strangers are made of, who will help or turn away.
Which leads me to something that happened to me resently. I have a truck that is 11 years old is in great shape and has been good to me. The only trouble it gives me is every year I seem to have to replace the coil pack. Being single and living alone it helps to educate yourself about any topic that helps. I know way too much about trucks. Lol. Anyway, I went to the gas station for gas after pumping my truck would not turn over. Nothing, it took me a minute to be reminded of the coil pack so I went inside the station (all the girl's know me there) and I ask a man to help me move my truck. He said, "are you talking to me?' Duh, I relpied with that I got the typical reponse women are so bossy. Now, I thought to myself Hmm must have had a bad experience with a woman to which he learned nothing or he would not have been so still in the moment of that old experience. I felt sad for him as not letting go of that experience has him stuck in that moment and not moving forward and experince the present.
Well I ask Amber to help me move my truck, between the two of us I put it in nuetral and off we went. Now mind you, 5 men where outside some getting in there car's others pumping gas but all starring at us. Well, anyone who knows me knows I am not an introvert with people just private about my family.
So, I yelled, "hello guys I wanted to thank you for your help in watching us move this vehicle." As much as I try to believe and give people the benefit of the doubt that they are more helpful now in this enconomy and not as self -envolved, it just disappoints me to see things have not changed as much as I would like to see. I look at people in the world and only see humans sharing a planet a journey. I don't see color, race just humans. I see all humans as my family and eveyone I pass throughout my day I feel are a part of me, a human. I talk to everyone . help those I can even if it's just to say hello. I stongly believe we are all here to help each other.
In the end I got my truck started just by wiping off the spark plugs that connect to the coil pack and off I went. I plan on continuing to talk to everyone and helping those I can with whatever I can offer no matter how big or small.
Happy New Year to all and remember everyone you pass is truly just as you a human making the best of there journey. Extend your hand whenever you can you'll find it's a great feeling.